How JAVA is Being Used Today

As  of  2016,  JAVA  is  now  being  utilized  by  over  9  million  software developers around the globe and is also one of the most utilized programming languages available especially for client-server applications. Regardless of a computer’s architecture,  the applications of JAVA are able to be compiled into code which  runs on all JVMs.  JAVA used to be identified  mainly  with slow performance, with having to wait for Sun Microsystems to drop upgrades, with bytecode interpretation, and with the use of Applets. Today however, JAVA has become   more   associated   with   reliably   high   performance,   with   dynamic compilation of hotspots, with a more and more independent open source community, and with service oriented architecture, or SOAs, with web services, and with web applications.  This chapter will go into depth on the uses of the JVM, the JAVA programming language, as well as JAVA platforms.

Using JAVA Programming Language

The JAVA programming language operates on a high level and was inspired by Smalltalk,  and by both C and C++ programming. The JAVA programming language has also borrowed a few ideas from other languages. The syntactic design of JAVA programming language was made to be familiar to those already versed in  "curly  brace", C-descended languages, but  has  stronger (at  times arguably) OO principles than the principles used in C++. Also, garbage collection is fairly automatic, which does away with the need of the developer to have to free up memory used by objects that have become obsolete and are no

longer in use.
JAVA is philosophically  referred to as a "fail early" language. Since it has syntax restrictions, most programming failures are just not actually possible with Java  at  all.  Because  of the  fact  that  JAVA  does  not  have  access  to pointers directly,  errors  specific  to its arithmetic  simply  just  do not exist.  Utilizing  a certain object as a type other than what it originally was named as requires a straightforward  cast conversion,  which  allows  the code  compiler  the obvious chance  to deny programming  that may be illogical  and therefor  unable to be used.
A varied number of Java enterprise frameworks make it necessary to use the deployment descriptors or configuration files, which are usually written in XML in order to identify a function. This could include the order of the steps that are needed to execute within a rule engine or which class may handle a particular request in HTTP. In other words, they must go beyond the language at hand in order to implement their function properly. JAVA 5.0 adds footnotes to this language,  and this  allows  for classes,  fields,  and methods  to be tagged  with values that are then able to be developed and inspected at the time they are run, and  most  often  via  reflection.  A  lot  of  software  programmers  prefer  these footnotes, usually referred to as annotations, because they are able to simplify the things that may be otherwise called out by certain descriptors or other ways. They  are  also  able  to  make  it  difficult  to  interpret  the  Java  code,  though. Whether  or  not  a  footnote  or  annotation  is  in  place  may  actually  affect  the execution of the code and also may affect it in ways that may not be completely obvious from the footnote or annotation itself.
Aside from this one singular criticism, JAVA is mainly regarded as the most popular general-purpose  computer programming language utilized in the world at the present. The benefits of JAVA programming language are extremely vast. The main benefits include but certainly are not limited to:
The benefit of a vastly immense knowledge base.

The benefit of a vastly enormous amount of software developers who are always readily available.

The benefit of free tools which are widely available on numerous platforms such as Windows, Solaris, Linux and Mac. All of these platforms are able to execute and compile all Java applications.

The JAVA programming language itself hits a unique and valuable point in the quid pro quo between code performance and software developer efficiency. While CPU (central processing unit) cycles continue to steadily reduce in cost factor, software developers, however, usually do not continue to reduce in cost.

If anything, the cost of software developers continues to rise for many reasons, among them being rising inflation and an increase of technical education costs. Because of this fact it may inevitably lead to the acceptance of yet an additional piece  of  abstraction  inbetween  the  CPU  opcodes  being  executed  and  the software developers themselves – as long as it allows for the software developers to be able to create a higher quality software and at a much more efficient rate.

Explanation of the use of JAVA platforms

JAVA is regarded generally in terms of three different platforms. These three platforms were briefly regarded previously in this book. Note that the JAVA FX Edition is not included here.
1.    The Enterprise Edition, also known as JAVA EE
2.    The Standard Edition, also known as JAVA SE
1.    And
2.    The Micro Edition, also known as JAVA ME

Each of these different  platforms  utilizes  a combo of a specific  group of libraries, virtual machine, and a language version that is used to execute its code. The EE version contains everything that the SE version does and more, so that means  that  any  EE  application  can  access  and  utilize  the  entirety  of the  SE libraries. Also, the EE's use of the programming language is identical to that of the SE's as well. This means that the SE version is a subset of the EE version.
JAVA Micro Edition, or ME, is significantly different than its counterparts because of the fact that a small device (such as a smart phone) are just simply that much more limited on space and capabilities as well. The Micro Edition is not able to be considered as a subset of the Standard Edition (therefore, cannot be considered  a subset  of the  EE),  because  of the  fact  that  a number  of its libraries only exist in the Micro Edition. In addition, the Micro Edition version completely eliminates some of the programming language features because of the computation limitations of the platform on which it is run. Examples of some such eliminated features include Float class and the float primitive. This means that Micro Edition requires a slightly different set of tools than the Enterprise Edition version and the Standard Edition version. With such deep seated differences in the devices, it makes the complete portability of code much less realistic in the micro space. In fact, a lot of Java developers view ME as a completely different animal altogether, almost a separate entity even.

What to expect when using the JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM)

JAVA source code has to translate into executable platform native code at
some point along the way. Typically,  doing so requires  the use of a two-step process:

1.    The software  developer  needs to compile  the source code to JAVA
2.    The JVM then has to translate that information,  for the platform in use, into that platform’s native code.

The second step was originally executed by interpretation, or by taking each single JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) instruction and converting that instruction in an instant to one or more instructions native to the platform. Then after that is accomplished, the just in time compilers, referred to by software developers as JIT compilers, convert the program from bytecode on the JVM into code native to that  particular  platform  as the  program  is run.  There  are  several  ways  to achieve  this  conversion   at  this  present  time.  Sun  Microsystem's   HotSpot compiler initializes this process by translating the code and then profiling it at runtime, optimizing and compiling the particular areas that have been concluded to be the first priority in order for that program to continue to work efficiently. IBM’s "mixed mode interpreter" of its JVMs operates in a very similar fashion. These procedures circumvent  the startup performance  lag entailed by utilizing JIT compilers on the whole program, but then this also means that performance is accumulated, arriving consistently over a period of time, when crucial sections of  code  are  detected  and  made  to  work  more  efficiently.  Because  of  this procedure, client applications  are far less benefitted by this approach than the long-running server processes.

What to expect when using JAVA without using the JAVA Virtual Machine

It  is  entirely possible to  run  JAVA without the  use  of  a  JAVA Virtual Machine. Since JAVA source ends up becoming bytecode, then which in turn becomes platform-native code, as it stands, this can actually be accomplished all at one time. The GNU (GNU recursively refers to the term “GNU’s Not Unix”) Compiler for JAVA, also referred to as GCJ, allows for an up front, one-time, compendium of JAVA code to a command that is able to be executed on a singular platform. Though there is enough information to compile command line and server side applications when using this process, it is not actually able to allow for the support of the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), which would

obviously  render  it  unsuitable  for  AWT  programming  and  also  Swing  GUI
programming as well.
This obvious downside to using this process is that cross platform code ends up becoming bound to only one platform and only in one single step. What is more, that static type of compilation does not automatically negate the workings of the HotSpot's dynamic compilation. The author of said compilation did work on a piece of research in which the GCJ performance  gain was concluded  as being fewer than a mere 5% above the performance gain of the HotSpot version. Even still, GCJ does have the performance gain advantage and has the ability to solve crucial problems, such as the ability to succinctly deploy a particular Java application that is completely able to be ran regardless of which version the JVM is running and whether or not it’s even available.

What to expect when using the JAVA Virtual Machine without JAVA

It is also absolutely possible to get straight to the JVM level immediately and  successfully   bypass  the  JAVA  language   entirely.   C-to-JVM   bytecode compilers are already in existence; compilers like the Axiomatic Multi-Platform C, which is commercial and supplies a partial version of ANSI C. What is more, the progress of the manipulation  of JAVA bytecode allows for the creation of classes  at  runtime  that  are  completely  executable  in  Java  applications.  This means that what you will be working with will no longer be JAVA, but instead will be an effective  form of programming  language  used for assembly  in the JAVA Virtual Machine.

Explanation of the JAVA Community Process

There is a JAVA community  that exists beyond virtual machines,  beyond libraries, and beyond programming language. In spite of the overwhelming amounts of software that is considered to be open source and utilized by and written in the JAVA programming language, there is a continuously obvious and open conflict at large between the open source community and the JAVA community.
The JAVA Community Process, sometimes referred to by software developers as simply the JCP, was established in 1998. The JCP is the formalized mechanism by which any interested parties may be allowed to offer input in the development of standard technical specs of the JAVA technology. It is open to the public and anyone may become a member of the JAVA Community Process by simply submitting the appropriate form available at their website.

A hugely varied number of JAVA aspects exist entirely without the JCP’s standardized  acceptations.  A  lot  of  independent  projects  have  gained  in  size enough  to  actually  compete  with  the  actual  JCP  benchmarks  in the  level  of awareness in the minds of JCP consumers. As a whole though, these independent projects have also been able to be quick in adapting to modifications completely without the use of JAVA and also simultaneously utilize the best features of those modifications,  as in the feature AJAX, which is a feature that simplifies code. This is a Direct  Web Remoting,  or DWR project  or the Rails-inspired  Trails project.

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